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  • দিঘলকান্দি দাখিল মাদরাসা, ডাকঘরঃ রামেশ্বরপুর, উপজেলাঃ বড়াইগ্রাম, জেলাঃ নাটোর।
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    দিঘলকান্দি দাখিল মাদরাসা

    Welcome to our Madrasa

    দিঘলকান্দি দাখিল মাদরাসা, ডাকঘরঃ রামেশ্বরপুর, উপজেলাঃ বড়াইগ্রাম, জেলাঃ নাটোর।

    About our Madrasa

    The books of great (b) write Contain noble thoughts and great ideas.Books are the best friend of us. They introduce us to the realm of (a) Limited Knowledege . The books of great (b) write Contain noble thoughts and great ideas.Books are the best friend of us. They introduce us to the realm of (a) Limited Knowledege . The books of great (b) write Contain noble thoughts and great ideas.Books are the best friend of us. They introduce us to the realm of (a) Limited Knowledege . The books of great (b) write Contain noble thoughts and great ideas. We can (c) rich our mind by reading books. The reading of books brings (d) perfect in our life. No (e) spirit progress and worldly (f) prosper can be thought of without reading books (g) true Sealing, reading books is such a thing that has no (h) alternate. So all should read books (i) Vari topics so that we may bring proper (j) develop our spirit

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    spirit progress and worldly (f) prosper can be thought of without readingreading books (g) true Sealing, reading books is such a thing that has no (h) alternate. So all should read books (i) Vari topics so that we may bring proper (j) develop our spirit